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Flyback Transformers

Flyback Transformers

Flyback Transformers

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Flyback transformers, inverter module systems, and power control units (PCUs) are essential components in the realm of electronics and automotive engineering, particularly in the context of hybrid and electric vehicles. Our flyback transformers help regulate and deliver stable voltage within an electrical circuit. They can operate on a wide range of input voltages and can regulate multiple output voltages. Closed magnetic circuit structure is adopted to reduce electromagnetic interference. A flyback transformer is a specialized type of transformer widely used in electronic circuits. It operates by storing energy in its magnetic core during one phase of the input cycle and releasing it to the output during another phase. This mechanism enables the transformation of low voltage inputs into high voltage outputs. Flyback transformers find applications in switch-mode power supplies, voltage multipliers, and CRT displays. Their principle of electromagnetic induction facilitates voltage conversion and isolation.
  • High shield and high current options
  • Robust design and structure
  • Ferrite core / Powder shielding
  • Inverter Module Systems play a central role in converting direct current (DC) from the vehicle’s battery into alternating current (AC) to drive the electric motor.
  • Power Control Units (PCU) is a comprehensive system within hybrid and electric vehicles that manages the flow of electrical power
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