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Blood Pressure Monitor

Automatic blood pressure monitors are easy to use, reliable, and widely used for home and clinical monitoring to measure heart and vascular health.

The cuff is placed on the upper arm and inflated using an electric pump. As the cuff deflates, it records the systolic and diastolic pressure along with the patient’s pulse rate. Consistent and accurate blood pressure monitoring is important for disease detection and prevention.

How we add value

How does MinebeaMitsumi contribute to precise cardiovascular monitoring? We produce ultra-sensitive MEMS Gauge Pressure Sensors that can detect blood flowing within the arterial walls. As the cuff slowly deflates, these sensors detect tiny pressure oscillations caused by blood pulsing through the artery. An algorithm is applied to the data to determine the systolic (highest pressure) and diastolic (lowest pressure).

Our brush DC motors are also utilize in the electric pump to inflate the cuff. We employ a simplified motor structure that delivers good performance while minimizing cost.

Products in Use

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MEMS Gauge Pressure Sensor

Mitsumi gauge pressure sensors are driven by piezoresistive technology to measure blood pressure and cuff compression and expansion. It is possible to customize the pressure range to meet your specifications.

Brush DC Motor

DC Brush Motors are used to pump air into the cuff during inflation. It is also used as the cuff deflates to remove air from the cuff. The added gearbox increases the torque of the motor.

Power Supply

Portable blood pressure devices need a reliable source to charge or power the device. Mitsumi power supplies are manufactured to meet your customized footprint and power requirements.

About NMB Technologies Corp

NMB Technologies Corporation is a MinebeaMitsumi Group company; a global leader in the design and production of miniature ball bearings, precision components, electromechanical components, and semiconductor components. Our precision manufacturing expertise also includes backlights, lighting products, advanced technology components for smart cities, medical devices, automotive manufacturers, and industrial manufacturers.

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