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Monday - February 20, 2023

Why You Should Invest in a Quality Cooling Fan

When it comes to maintaining the performance and efficiency of your electronic equipment, cooling is one of the most crucial design features. Without adequate cooling, electronic components will quickly overheat and suffer from reduced performance. Fortunately, cooling fans are an effective and affordable way to keep your devices running at optimal efficiency.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Cooling Fan

When choosing a cooling fan, there are several elements to consider. Here are some of the most important items to keep in mind:

  • Size – the size of the fan should be appropriate for the size and type of electronic device you need to cool. Typically, the bigger the fan size, the more air flow it can deliver while at lower speed and noise levels.
  • Type – there are several types of cooling fans available, such as AC and Brushless DC fans. Brushless DC fans require DC power supplies while AC fans can draw power directly from power outlets.
  • Noise – some fans can be quite noisy, so it’s important to consider application noise limitations. Advanced PWM fan technology can provide flexibility to allow fans to run at lower speed, and therefore lower noise level, when the cooling demand is low.
  • Price – investing in a quality fan can help your electronic components stay cool and operate at their peak performance. Materials used in fan construction such as bearing types and electronic components are all major contributing factors to the overall quality of the fan.

Common Causes of Poor Cooling Fan Performance

There are several recurring reasons for poor cooling performance that can lead to reduced efficiency and increased risks of overheating:

  • Dust & Dirt Buildup – accumulated dust and dirt in the fan blades reduces efficiency of the fan.
  • Fan Placement – if the fan is placed in an area with poor circulation, it may not be able to move enough air to keep the electronics cool.
  • Worn Bearings – rotational friction can increase due to worn bearings which leads to inefficient operation and reduces a fan’s ability to cool. High quality bearings, such as NMB’s stainless ball bearings and ceramic ball bearings, are essential for long lasting fan designs.
  • Damaged Fan Blades: broken fan blades can cause turbulence, reducing the fan’s cooling efficiency.
  • Insufficient Fan Speed – if the fan is not running at a high enough speed, it may not be able to move enough air to keep electronics cool.

Tips for Improving Cooling Fan Efficiency

If your cooling fan is not performing as well as it should, there are several steps you can take to improve its efficiency:

  • Clean – to ensure optimal performance, it’s important to keep fan blades clean. Dust and dirt can accumulate, reducing fan efficiency.
  • Adjust Speed – optimizing fan speed can help the fan run at the ideal speed for each application. This can be achieved with a PWM controlled fan design.
  • Filter – if the fan is installed in a dusty environment, it’s a good idea to add a fan filter to keep dust and dirt from accumulating in the fan blades.


Cooling fans are an essential part of any electronic device as they help to keep the temperature of the device in check, allowing it to operate at its optimal level. When choosing a cooling fan, it’s important to consider the size and type of device you need to cool, noise level of the fan, and price of the fan. Additionally, it’s important to keep the fan clean and dust-free, and to check the fan blades, fan bearings, and fan speed regularly. Investing in a quality cooling fan can protect and extend the life of your electronics, and keep them operating at optimal performance, saving you money in the long run. If you’re looking for a reliable, efficient, and affordable cooling solution, consider investing in a quality NMB fan.

Jay Zhuang Jay Zhuang
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